Street Fighter 6 Reveals New Characters for 2024 and 2025

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During the Summer Game Fest 2024, Capcom announced an exciting roster of new characters for the second year of Street Fighter 6. Fans of the franchise can look forward to iconic fighters M. Bison, Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, and Elena joining the fray, each bringing their unique fighting styles and backstories to the game.

M. Bison: The Ruthless Dictator

M. Bison, making his grand entrance in the summer of 2024, returns as the malevolent force from Street Fighter II: The World Warrior. Known for his immense psychic powers and as the leader of the Shadaloo organization, M. Bison’s villainous ambition to control the world remains as unyielding as ever. His refined yet arrogant demeanor, combined with his signature laugh and catchphrase “Yes! Yes!”, ensures that he continues to be a formidable and feared opponent on the battlefield.

Terry Bogard: The Brash Hero

Joining the roster in the fall of 2024 is Terry Bogard, the charismatic protagonist from the Fatal Fury series. Terry’s journey is driven by a quest for vengeance against the notorious Geese Howard, who murdered his father. With his laid-back attitude and distinctive look – red baseball cap and worn denim jacket – Terry combines powerful kicks and punches with the indomitable spirit of his father. He’s set to bring his trademark bravado and fighting prowess to Street Fighter 6.

Mai Shiranui: The Fiery Kunoichi

In the winter of 2025, Mai Shiranui from the Fatal Fury series makes her way to Street Fighter 6. As a master of the Shiranui ninja arts, Mai wields her large fans with deadly precision. Her graceful, yet fierce fighting style, combined with her strikingly revealing outfit, makes her a standout character. Despite the controversy her attire often stirs, Mai’s prowess and fan-favorite status remain undisputed.

Elena: The Joyful Fighter

Elena, from Street Fighter III, joins the game in spring 2025. Hailing from Kenya and the daughter of a tribal leader, Elena is a master of capoeira, bringing an acrobatic flair to her fights. Unlike many other fighters driven by vengeance, Elena’s motivation stems from joy and the desire for friendship. Her optimistic outlook and scholarly background make her a refreshing addition to the roster, surprising opponents with her strength and agility.

Year 2 Character and Ultimate Passes

To coincide with the new characters, Capcom has introduced the Year 2 Character Pass and Year 2 Ultimate Pass. The Character Pass includes M. Bison, Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, and Elena, along with additional outfit colors and 4,200 Drive Tickets. The Ultimate Pass offers even more, including all the character pass content, two additional costumes for each character, two new stages, and 7,700 Drive Tickets.

Excitement Ahead for Street Fighter 6 Fans

With these new additions, Street Fighter 6 is set to elevate its gameplay and narrative depth. Each character brings their unique history, motivations, and fighting techniques, enriching the game’s dynamic roster. Fans can look forward to fresh and thrilling battles as they master the skills of these iconic fighters.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to experience these legendary characters in Street Fighter 6. For more information and to keep up with the latest news, visit the official Street Fighter website and follow their social media channels.

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