The Kodansha Creators’ Lab has exciting news for Fairy Tail fans with the launch of the Fairy Tail Indie Game Guild, a project in collaboration with Hiro Mashima, the creator of the beloved manga series. This project will release two new indie games: Fairy Tail: Dungeons and Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc. These games are set to launch on Steam on August 26, 2024, and September 16, 2024, respectively. Fans can wishlist both titles now.
Fairy Tail: Dungeons
Release Date: August 26, 2024
Genre: Deck-building roguelite
Players: Singleplayer
Steam Store Page: Wishlist on Steam
Fairy Tail: Dungeons is a deck-building roguelite featuring characters from the Fairy Tail universe. Players can choose from Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Wendy, each with unique abilities and playstyles. The game focuses on collecting magic cards to build powerful decks and battling through a mysterious dungeon to reach its deepest part.
Key Features:
- Original Story: Follow Natsu and Happy as they discover a mysterious dungeon and team up with new allies to rescue lost friends.
- Magic Card Battles: Use a deck of magic cards to attack, defend, and unleash powerful combos.
- Character Specializations: Each character has distinct fighting styles, encouraging players to strategize and tailor their approach.
- Party Mechanics: Form a team of three characters, combining their abilities for tactical advantages in battle.
Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc
Release Date: September 16, 2024
Genre: Magic Beach Volleyball Battle
Players: 1-4
Steam Store Page: Wishlist on Steam
Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc is a chaotic, magic-infused beach volleyball game that can be played solo or with up to four players locally or via Steam Remote Play Together. With 32 playable Fairy Tail characters, the game promises frantic 2-on-2 matches with explosive magic attacks.
Key Features:
- Chaotic Matches: Engage in fast-paced volleyball action with over 100 different types of magic.
- Multiplayer Options: Play with friends locally or online using Steam Remote Play Together.
- Magic Mechanics: Teams that score points can enhance their magic attacks, escalating the intensity and chaos of each match.
Art Contest: Fairy Tail at the Beach
To celebrate the announcement of Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc, an art contest titled “Fairy Tail at the Beach” is now open. Artists are invited to submit artwork featuring Fairy Tail characters in beach settings. Thirty winners will be selected, with some pieces featured in the game itself.
Submit Your Artwork: Visit the Illust Days website for more information
Upcoming Game: Fairy Tail: Birth of Magic
In addition to these two titles, Fairy Tail: Birth of Magic (provisional title) is currently in development. This game focuses on creating unique original magic and intense magic showdowns. More details will be shared as they become available.